Greg Cloe - Guitar

Greg is one of Iowa’s unsung Lead and Rhythm guitar players. As you will hear, he is a master of "TONE". Greg has been a member of WARP-10, Rialto, Subtle Influence, Truth Be Told, MidLifeCRISIS and The Bristol’s over the years.
Kevin McGinnis - Bass

Kevin was a founding member of Central Iowa’s “Kolorado Koolaid” back in the mid 70’s thru the mid 80’s. He has also played with Rialto, Lady Blue, MidLifeCRISIS, Truth Be Told, Cousin Eddie, The Bristol’s and most recently can be found sitting in with The After Hours Band and occasionally with the Robbie Michael Band.
Steve Treynor - Drums & Percussion

Steve brings to the stage many, many years of experience with top notch Central Iowa & Regional bands.